Post Harvest … The Farm is designed for high volume vegetable production with CSA, market and restaurant distribution in mind. The post harvest processing Pack House has a state-of-the-art post harvest processing facility, designed for flexible workflow efficiency and built into a hillside for heating and cooling efficiency. The facility features high end infrastructure that includes a Thermastore heat recovery system, tankless hot water, grey water trench drains and universal distribution of water, electric, compressed air and OMRI listed peracetic acid water (for use in sanitization) throughout the facility. Also featured are two walk-in, fully refrigerated cooling rooms and resources to build out a third. The coolers are located in the hillside portion of the building for efficiency and include commercial humidification and crop off gassing vent fans. A three bay loading dock offers access for product loading and unloading. Pack house equipment contains stainless steel processing tables, various stainless sinks, dual sided stainless scale table, pallet scale, pallet jack, root vegetable washer, brush washer, several custom designed circulation tanks and a large capacity ice machine for both hydrocooling and use with the event center. Included are a large volume of both harvest crates and shipping containers.